Nabil Mir Page

Brent Burns Doom - Doom with textures replaced by pictures of San Jose Sharks
defenseman Brent Burns. Download.

WIN95 - Small game built with assets from Windows 95.

Mario Merry Go Round - Super Mario 64's legendary Boo Merry Go Round, remade.

Enchantment - Riveting phantasm.

Phanta - Impulsively dreamy adventure.

Shark Surfer - Hunt for unwary surfers.

Deviance Revitalized - A completely insane platformer, revitalized!

The Legend of Sugar - Collaboration with Kirsten Sugar.

C-Art - The contemporary art video game.

K - Interactive experience created for Le Grand Jaeger's Era of Khaki.

Rosalina's Adventure - 2D platformer exploring legality of fan-made video games.

Deviance - A 3D platformer driven by total pandemonium.

Jupiter Game - Capricious 2D platformer made for game design class.

Neurons - Unity 3D modeling demo.

3D Brick Game - Simple 3D breakout clone.

Flappy Makoto - Flappy Bird clone.

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